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Scientific Committee



  • Prof. Andrei Taranu, PhD. - Faculty of Political Science, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration

  • Prof. Rodica Milena Zaharia, PhD. - Faculty of International Business and Economics, University of Economic Studies

  • Assoc. Assist. Prof. Irina Boncea, PhD. - Faculty of International Business and Economics, University of Economic Studies

  • Researcher Nicoleta Roman, PhD. - "Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History, Romanian Academy

  • Resercher Bogdan Voicu, PhD. - Institute for Research of Quality of Life, Romanian Academy

  • Anamaria Elena Gheorghe, PhD. - Vicepresident of the Romanian Association of Young Scholars

  • Cristina Manolache, PhD. - President of the Romanian Association of Young Scholars

  • Violeta Leu-Hanganu, PhD. - Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest

  • Oana Ancuta Dobrescu, PhD. - University of Bucharest

  • Lecturer Emanuel Socaciu, PhD. - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest

  • Assoc. Assist. Prof. Ioana Alexandra Bradea, PhD. - Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, University of Economic Studies

  • Assoc. Assist. Prof. Adrian Otoiu, PhD. - Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, University of Economic Studies

  • Prof. Emeritus Gheorghe Stoica, PhD. - Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest



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