Romanian Association of Young Scholars
All papers of the participants in the third edition of the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC 2017) organized by the Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) will have the following publication opportunities:
Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR) - is an international, scholarly, peer-revied, open-access quarterly interdisciplinary journal, edited by the Romanian Association of Young Scholars.
Romanian Journal of Social Sciences (RJSS) - is an international, multi-disciplinary, bi-annual newly established academic journal in the field of social studies. The journal is edited exclusively in English and it is published by the Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) in May and November.
Author's Guidelines
Authors are to submit their final papers (as Microsoft Word documents) via e-mail at internationaldoctoralconference@rays.org.ro, by November, 05th 2017. After the evaluation of the Scientific Committee, all accepted papers will be published.
General Guidelines
Paper size: 10-15 pages
Margins: 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left and right)
Type Font: TNR, 12, 1.5 spaced, justified
Further details on the typographical style and layout will be provided by e-mail after the event.
Please note that:
*The final papers should be submitted only if they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by any another conference/ journal/ publishing house.
**All of the submitted papers are subject to peer review and evaluation of the Scientific Committee – and as such – should meet the standards of scientific significance, originality, clarity and academic rigor.
***Final submissions which are not following the required format in the template will be returned to the authors for modification.