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One of the main objectives of the Romanian Association of Young Scholars is that of promoting quality academic events in the Romanian academic environment. We believe that young researchers are keen on making their work known, they are eager to interact with other specialists and colleagues working on similar topics in their field - from Romania and from abroad - and that it is precisely through such academic events that young researchers have the opportunity to improve their work, to gain experience and valuable feed-back as well as to establish important contacts. We also believe it is important to stimulate the participation of young scholars to such events by making them accessible, well-known and most importantly, by emphasizing the importance of a friendly, collegial atmosphere.


Here are the first two academic events RAYS will be organizing this year, in brief. For further details, please visit the menu on the right and download the Call for Papers.



(IIDC 2015)


To begin with, the Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) will be organizing the first edition of the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC) on September, 25th and 26th 2015, in Bucharest, Romania. On this occasion, we welcome contributions from researchers, faculty staff, doctoral and MA students within the fields of: Political Science, History, Law, Sociology, Philosophy and Economics on any of the themes listed in our Call for Papers, by May, 03rd 2015 (for early registration) and June, 03rd 2015 (for regular registration). All of our participants will be awarded certificates of attendance, all of their papers will be published in one of the journals coordinated by our organization and the best papers selected will be published in a collective volume edited in English at a renowned Romanian publishing house.





(CND 2015)


The second event organized by the Romanian Association of Young Scholars (RAYS) is the National  Doctoral Conference/ ConferinÈ›a NaÈ›ională a Doctoranzilor (CND) in December, 2015. Further details on this event will be posted soon.





RAYS is looking for new members of the Organizing Teams for its academic events.


If you are enthusiastic, creative, well-organized, deadline-oriented and interested in organizing academic events, do not hesitate to contact us at!


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