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The participants whose proposals have been accepted during the first vawe of applications should pay a registration fee of 200 RON

(50 EURO) and send a scanned evidence of their payment via e-mail to by August, 11th 2016 for the REGULAR APPLICATIONS WAVE.

The conference fee should be remitted as follows:


CURRENCY      ACCOUNT HOLDER           BANK              BRANCH               ACCOUNT NUMBER/ IBAN                 SWIFT CODE 


RON                Romanian Association    Transilvania        Agentia                RO90BTRLRONCRT0281609601               BTRLRO22

EURO                 of Young Scholars                                   Centrul Civic          RO40BTRLEURCRT0281609601                BTRLRO22


Please note:
*Upon paying the registration fee it is very important to fill in the following mention: “name and surname of participant – participation fee for the International Interdisciplinary Doctoral Conference (IIDC 2015)”.

**The registration fee includes: full participation to the conference activities and proceedings, certificate of attendance, personalized working materials, coffee breaks, publication of the paper and a free author's copy of the journal or book in which the respective paper was published.

***In the case of co-authored papers, the registration fee should be paid by each author, as the costs of the event are established per participant.

****All bank commissions and charges regarding the transfer are to be borne by the sending bank on the account of the conference participant.

*****The participation fee is non-refundable.

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