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Romanian Review of Young Researchers Archive


Founded in 2015, RRYR has already published, in its 9 issues since, the works of more than 80 young researchers throughout Romania and abroad.


Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. I/ No. 1

Published in April 2015, the first issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers features papers by Cristina Manolache, Oliviu-Petru Botoi, Irina-Maria Manea,  Maria-Corina Popa, Vasile Hodorogea, Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan and Simona Fortin. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. I/ No. 3

The third issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers vol. I published the articles of Pavel Vițel & Iulian Damian, Otilia-Maria Aioanei, Beatrice Diana Burcea, Natașa Maxim, Ovidiu Bunea, Loredana-Florentina Cătărău, Simona Fortin-Bălănoiui, Ana-Maria Gajdo, Mădălina Mocanu, Flaviu Doru Neaga, Ștefan Vlad and Gabriela Nistor Bălan in October 2015. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. I/ No. 2

Published in July 2015, vol. I/ no. 2 of Romanian Review of Young Researchers features the works of Oana Ludmila Popescu, Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, Tasia Gudu, Bogdan Iulian Ranțeș, Vasile Virgil Coman, Ștefan Iancu, Anamaria Neagu, Tulia Maria Cașvean, Gabriela Bădescu and Cristina Marculeț Petrescu. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. I/ No. 4

Published in January 2016, the last issue from vol. I of the Romanian Review of Young Researchers featured the lastest research conducted by Nicolae Sorin Drăgan, Radu-Marian Eremia, Ana Maria Ducuța, Mihaela (Hăldan) Harasim, Beatrice Diana Burcea, Dumitru Bogdan Bădiță, Ruxandra-Maria Stoia, George Marian Lățcan, Ioana Dana (Iancu) Obrinteschi, Aura Pipeaua and Mirela Daniela (Voicu) Oancea. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. II/ No. 5

The 5th issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers published papers by Alexandra Bărbulescu, Rodica-Cristina Liseanu, Veronica Onea, Iustina Barbu, Răzvan-Albert Marcu, Roxana-Elena Popa, Oana-Alexandra Chirilă, Ana-Maria Bodai, Silvia-Diana Solkotovic, Corina Voicu and Mădălina Camelia (Tinteia) Ingram in April 2016. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. II/ No. 7

The October 2016 issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers published papers by Cristina Mărculeț-Petrescu, Ioana Cristina Nicolae, Ioana Cătălina Rezeanu, Mirela (Apetroae) Staicu, Niculina Karacsony, Maria Alexandra Botoș and Emil Gherghescu. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. II/ No. 6

Issue no. 6/ vol. II of Romanian Review of Young Researchers was published in July 2016 and featured articles written by Paul-Claudiu Cotîrleț, Răzvan-George Topală, Sabina Strâmbovschi, Tasia Gudu, Cezar-Săndel Ioncef, Alina-Maria Vieru, Andrei Florin Mușat, Corina Georgiana Stan, Liana Prigoana and Alicia-Georgiana Zalupca.

More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. II/ No. 8

The January 2017 issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers published papers by Nicolae-Sorin Drăgan, Ana Sterian, Laura Alexandra Botușan, Emilia Andreea (Radu) Motoranu, Ana Maria Ducuta and Iachint Cătălin Vardianu. More details HERE.

Romanian Review of Young Researchers (RRYR)


Vol. III/ No. 9

The 9th issue of Romanian Review of Young Researchers published papers by Raluca Georgiana Săftescu, Pawel Mazur, Pavel Vitel, Irina Vlădescu, Alexandra Bărbulescu and Andreea-Mirela Mandia in April 2017. More details HERE.

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